Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today is the Day!

Today is the day to see the dentist! Oh man, I don't really like dentist. I don't want all my teeth to be plucked out by the dentist. It is so frightening to even think about it. To me, seeing a dentist = to extract my tooth! Ah........................!

I hope my teeth is alright... Please please don't extract any of my tooth!!!!! Perhaps I'm just having sensitive teeth. That's what causes the pain when I drink cold drinks. I'm thinking... Seriously hope that it is nothing big!

Relax, Adalia, relax... It just a tooth cleaning & check up session with the dentist. Don't think too much... In fact, I should be feeling excited for it! It has been so long that I ever see a dentist. Hee... Oh gosh... Why it is always this moment that I feel I should have taken better care for my teeth.... He he he... So, what will the outcome be...? I want to know.

Ok, ok... Only one thing that is exciting... I'm going to consult the doctor on putting braces! Yeah! After a long, long...........................................................consideration........
Ah!!!!! Just do it lah! Think so much for what??!!!!
Ya, that's the conclusion. :)
Hahahahaha......... Funny me! :p

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