Monday, February 15, 2010


为什么让我爱上了,却又不接受我? 你现在是放弃了?不喜欢我了?还是,由始至终,你不曾喜欢过我?喜欢你是我觉得很痛苦。很想放弃,却又放不下。我的心好痛。为什么我会喜欢上你?我可以有更好的选择。可,为什么是你?你让我不知所错。可能,我们的开始是一个错。希望你知道,错过了我,就再也不会有下一个机会了。一旦我放下了,就很难会在给你机会了。

“我是值得被爱的” 这句话,我将会永远记住。是一个我曾经喜欢过的人对我说的。我真的是值得被爱的。但,我的王子呢? 是,我是没有多少时间了,心也难免会急。但,我又能怎样。喜欢了,主动了,还是没有结果。我并不是完全被动,什么都没做。可,有怎样。还不是一样。谁有资格再说我什么。可能,只能说我的缘分还没到吧。虽然我不想太迟婚,但我又能怎样。一切似乎都不受我控制。


我不想一直像一个笨蛋一样,痴痴地等。每一次都是我主动发给他简讯,MSN, FaceBook 他。总之,都是我在主动的多。我不要!这让我觉得我不被重视。我在他的心里,似乎好像一点位置都没有。我就像一个傻瓜。若说他不在乎,也克服了。这样说,也对他不公平。因为,他至今面对我,还是会很在意。他会特别留意我,照顾我。他似乎怕我受伤害,或是怕我会觉得不自在。他的悉心,我心领了。 谢了。你很好。不过,你处理事情似乎有一点婆妈与矛盾,前后不一。那尤其让我觉得特别痛苦。


我已好一阵子没联络你了。但,你还是没有什么表示。虽然也不能期待你会做什么,但是还是会希望你会做什么。这样的我,很傻吧。爱情真叫人窒息。爱情也叫人忍不住想问“难道,我不够好吗?", "我不配的吗?"等等之类的问题。

"我恨我那么的喜欢你" 也许, 我不应该喜欢你。要如何把你放下呢?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Have I Told You Lately (That I Love You)

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
For the morning sun in all it's glory
greets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter
and somehow you make it better
ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one
And have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
take away
all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

"I still love you & that's what logic can't explain..."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I don't want to let go...

I don't want to let go. But due to reasons, do I have a choice?
If I don't, we may be can't be back to the original. Why sometimes, things can become so complicated when it is simple. As long as anything related to relationship, it just become complicated. Now, what is the situation?

Is he letting go, just as I am? (which is something I don't want to see...) I rather he face his "true self" or "true feeling"... I don't know anything... I just want to know the truth.

It is just so difficult to face the truth or our true self. It is just so hard for us to act according to our heart... :(

This is a very disappointing ending... :( Or is it really an ending?