Saturday, June 27, 2009

Great Shopping, Big Spending!

After CHCSA Orientation at Riverwalk, I decided to go shopping. It has been a donkey years since I last shopped. Today is just so incredible. I like this feeling, but money is never enough. Sigh... Sometimes I wonder if God can drop down from heaven a few hundred bucks for me, how great it can be! My "dream" is to have lots of money to eat, to shop, to do my hair, my nails & etc. to pamper myself. It is a dream. When can it comes to pass? (Some of my friends will surely ask me to go & find a rich guy as my boyfriend... hahaha... :P)

Before shopping, I went for a light lunch with Graz, her friend & her friend's daughter. It is an experience to talk to them. It is like a preparation for me as a cousellor-to-be. I'll cherish what I've seen today. Thanks Graz for the lunch as well. :)

My original purpose is to buy an eye brow liner, its sharpener & its comb. On the way, I saw sales, sales, sales & SALES!!!! OMG....! This is so tempting! As I walked past those stores, I couldn't help it to take a second look at the window display. Oh my, I've to control myself. "Low budget, low budget..." I kept telling myself.

Then, I walked to the door of "Charles & Keith". OH!!! I looked down at my spoilt shoes. I decided to walk in & take a look. In my mind, it immediately appears many thoughts.
"Should I buy casual shoes?" "Should I buy heels?" "Should I buy for the Wedding?" "Should I buy for work?" Ah.....! I was going crazy! What exactly should I buy for?? Finally, I made a decision. I bought a pair of very nice, classy, "high-class" black heels. Imagine how long does it takes for me to decide! (You won't believe it. I just can't make up my mind.)

Finally, I managed to go the store to buy my eye brow liner & etc. Just before I decided to head for home, I was thinking of trimming my badly trimmed eye brow by my mum. Therefore, I headed to "browhaus" at Raffles City. It was a nice experience there. The therapist & the receptionists were very friendly & had provided very good service. I know some ppl will surely say that they're doing this for business. But, without good service, how to have good business! Sometimes, consumers go for the service, not exactly the treatment/product. Please, please ppl... Stop saying that anymore! It is as if they're cheating you. No! This is just business.

A Good Day Shopping Indeed!

**200+ bucks harvest today:
  • Eyebrow liner
  • Eyebrow liner's sharpener
  • Eyebrow liner's comb
  • A pair of black heels (for the weddings to attend)
  • Package for eyebrow & upper lip's threading (x10)(plus 50% for today's)

*"Don't misunderstood me. I'm not rich, nor I spending extravagantly. Neither am I lying about my "money not enough". All these spending was done under many thoughts & calculations & those are my needs. It is not easy, but I can't possibly always limit myself to the poverty mindset." -Christina Adalia

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